Office Fürth

Badstr. 13-15

90762 Fürth

Office hours

Mo. – Fr. 9:00 – 12:00 Uhr

Di./ Do. 12:30 – 16:30 Uhr

Thomas Meyer estate administrations

"As a professional guardian of estates, I am entrusted by the relevant probate courts to safeguard and administer estates and to identify unknown heirs."

Thomas Meyer estate administrations

"As a professional guardian of estates, I am entrusted by the relevant probate courts to safeguard and administer estates and to identify unknown heirs."

The guardian of the estate is the legal representative of the unknown heirs and usually has the responsible task of securing and administering the estate and identifying the unknown heirs. Handling a probate case requires a high degree of professionalism as well as the use of expertise in a wide range of areas.



About Thomas Meyer

My freelance work, which I have been practicing since 2010 after completing my studies, includes the management of probate administrations for probate courts in Germany as well as executorships for private individuals. In addition, I also assume guardianships for unknown parties, guardianships in absentia and procedural guardianships. I am a certified executor ***, the highest qualification level according to the guidelines of the "Bund Deutscher Nachlasspfleger e.V., and a certified executor of the German Association for Inheritance Law and Succession (DVEV) as well as a member of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Testamentsvollstreckung und Vermögenssorge e.V.".

Through regular participation in courses, seminars, conferences and inheritance law symposia, I continuously deepen and expand my expertise in inheritance and estate law. In addition, I regularly participate in the meetings of the Working Group for Probate Guardianship of the DVEV as well as the Probate Guardianship Day of Hoerner Bank AG.

In addition, I am a member of the "Bund Deutscher Nachlasspfleger e.V." This membership includes, among other things, a pecuniary loss liability insurance, which covers the special risks of the estate guardian; furthermore, a fidelity insurance is also included in this membership.
The management of guardianship business requires comprehensive expertise in many different areas. In my opinion, however, investigative skills are also just as necessary as commercial, organizational and social skills, as well as the right "gut feeling" during processing and correct dealings with the parties involved are basic prerequisites for the successful handling of probate proceedings.

Due to my studies of Modern and Contemporary History at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, which I completed with a Magister Artium, I am very familiar with the necessary work in the context of heir searches, e.g. with archives and the necessary research. My stays abroad in London and my training at the renowned auction house Christie's within the framework of a diploma course in Fine and Decorative Arts recognized by the University of Cambridge as well as my internship of several months at the auction house Sotheby's also enable me to assess valuable objects, e.g. antiques, old and new masters, both in terms of art history and value.


  • Born 1981 in Nuremberg
  • 2001 - 2002 first stay abroad in London
  • 2003 second stay abroad in London
  • 2003 - 2007 Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
  • 2008 handling of probate matters, in particular the determination of heirs in the office of Mrs. Eva Meyer, legal counsel, Nuremberg
  • 2010 Independent handling of probate administration, execution of wills, etc.



Services for private individuals

After appointment by the probate court, in addition to the grief following a death, the many things that need to be settled come to the fore. Every estate is as individual as the person who was behind it. Accordingly, the aspects of an estate are just as diverse. My main areas of activity and a subsequent settlement of the estate together with their dispute include in particular with...

Estate administration

  • the complete settlement of all estate matters from one source
  • Regulation of burial and grave maintenance
  • Wohnungsauflösungen / Abwicklung des Mietverhältnisses mit dem Vermieter
  • Processing and recovery of household goods, vehicles, jewelry, antiques and other valuables.
  • In addition, real estate management and valuation, the determination and management of accounts, safe deposit boxes and deposits, the termination or adjustment of existing contracts, insurance issues and the preparation of all tax returns in cooperation with tax advisors.
  • Accurate documentation and accounting of the estate, claims management and, if necessary, the pursuit of claims directed for or against the estate.
  • Sale/lease of real estate held by the estate
  • Assistance in the determination of heirs. Procurement of necessary civil status documents and other suitable evidence, preparation of family trees.

Executions of wills

The arrangement of the execution of a will in connection with the appointment of a suitable executor in the will enables you to have a far-reaching influence on what is to happen after death in accordance with your wishes, such as:

  • Protection of the estate against unsuitable, possibly malicious or business-inexperienced heirs
  • Securing the fulfillment of legacies and obligations
  • Simplification of the settlement and inheritance of the estate
  • Contribution of know-how by a professional executor of a will

The execution of a will therefore belongs to an important instrument of estate planning and is carried out by me as professionally as can be expected from experienced specialists, and thus to the advantage of all parties involved.

Information for courts

The handling of estate administration and execution of wills requires a high degree of professionalism and the use of specialist knowledge in a wide range of areas. In addition to the determination of heirs, this applies in particular to cases in which the decedent was active as an entrepreneur and a business exists or existed, or significant liabilities must be taken into account in addition to the estate assets. Here, tax and business management expertise is generally significant. Furthermore, estate settlements involving real estate require special expertise and intensive support. However, even seemingly straightforward cases usually have more substance than is apparent at the outset.

I am happy to take on any type of guardianship of estates and execution of wills for probate courts - regardless of effort and scope. My work is not limited to my region of residence. I also take over the handling of probate administrations at your place of jurisdiction. You are welcome to contact me to discuss the possibilities of a cooperation.

In case processing, my work system aims at keeping the effort for the court as low as possible in the cases I process, while providing a maximum of information and coordination of case processing with the probate court. This concerns in particular the observance of all deadlines for the submission of probate inventories, reports and administrative accounts, but also the quick response to any factual inquiries that may arise. Furthermore, the observance of the standards set by the FamFG and the required procedural steps.

In addition, I have access to the nationwide network of specialist colleagues of the Bundes Deutscher Nachlasspfleger e.V. (Association of German Estate Guardians) for the handling of overlapping cases.


Please feel free to use our contact form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thomas Meyer

Office Fürth

Badstraße 13-15

90762 Fürth

Copyright ©2021 Thomas Meyer Nachlassverwaltungen